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 Current Sai  News

  • Sai Info: NexGen ITSAI 2006: Next Generation Information Technologies  for Societal Advancement and Integration, July 15 - 17, 2006- Organized By Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning Prasanthinilayam: Read more


  • Eswaramma day evening update:  Swami came by 4.10 p.m after the twenty minute speech by student Sanjay mahalingama, Bhagawan started his discourse at 4.40 p.m. Swami concluded His discourse at 5.30 p.m. Bhagawan explained that how he fulfilled His mothers desires like He built schools hospitals etc. In His discourse Swami also touched the subject of new technology and how Indian Government is encouraging the cell phone technology and how youth of today are misusing their time and energy thru this medium or facility. After the evening Aarthi there was a cultural programme at sai Krishna kalyana mantapam the drama was 'BHAKTA SUDHAMA' the programme went on till 7.15 p.m    also read detailed: Eswaramma Day morning update


  • Alaya Rahm Dismisses His Own Lawsuit:
    A Shattered Illusion And Major Blow To The Anti-Sai Movement: Alaya Rahm's sexual abuse allegations (against Sathya Sai Baba) gained world-wide exposure when his accounts were internationally broadcast on the Seduced By Sai Baba and Secret Swami documentaries. In addition to these two documentaries, Alaya's allegations were nationally published in Britain (by The Telegraph newspaper) and in India (by the India Today magazine).
     Read more  
    Scanned Index To Kreydick's Deposition 

    Twelve Pages: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12


  • Dancing With God:
    "When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the
    end of the word...."
     Read more


  • Sunday Special: Built in Terminator -"Loving Sai Ram and greetings from Prashanti Nilayam. While creating the Universe, God, in His infinite Wisdom, has ensured that nothing is permanent. .."
    Read more

  • 6th May, Sai Baba darshan update -
    Eswaramma Day 6th May 2006 Brindavan Ashram, Bangalore:
    "... inside the ashram we get into the token lines ,the ladies side we can see those who have got in rush to get a good seat.......... at around 7am we are allowed into Sai Ramesh hall..."


  • Easwaramma divine mother Humble tribute to the life of Easwaramma   "That night, mother Easwaramma came to Me with tears in her eyes and said, "Swami, people want to take You here and there for their selfish purposes. If you leave Puttaparthi, I will give up My life. Please promise me that You will remain in Puttaparthi for ever." I gave her My word that I would never leave Puttaparthi. It is for this reason that I have constructed many buildings in the ashram for the comfort and convenience of devotees. "- Sai Baba 
     Read more               

    Eswaramma Day               
     download -  4 Easwaramma & Sai Baba WallPapers  
    May 6th every year, is celebrated as Easwaramma Day, commemorating the anniversary of the passing away of the saintly lady who was blessed to be mother to the Avatar of the Kali age. Bhagawan exhorts His devotees, especially children, to revere the mother as God. Hence, this day is a celebration of the sacred ideal of Motherhood. Easwaramma was very fond of children and was one of the pioneers of the Bal Vikas movement. Hence, this day is also celebrated as Bal Vikas Day when hundreds of Bal Vikas gather in Bhagawan’s presence to present before Him their cultural programme and imbibe the highest spiritual lessons from their Divine Mother. Narayana Seva (feeding of the poor) is also undertaken on this day.


  • \
    4th-5th May SBOI darshan update:  4th may Swami came out & granted His divine darshan at 8.55 a.m. during the bhajans Swami sat on the chair placed on the dais, Swami remained in the hall for over 40 minutes at around 9.40 a.m. Aarthi was offered to Bhagawan.  4th may evening Swami came at 3.55 p.m. after 10 minutes of bhajan session Mr. Narasimha Murthy announced that our Mirpuri music college students are going to perform, that is, sing Meera Bhajans at the lotus feet. The melodious Meera bhajans went on till 5.10 in the evening, Swami as always enjoyed these Meera bhajans, one could visibly notice the blissful face expressions of Sai Bhagwan.  After the Meera songs Bhagawan was offered  Arathi. At 5.15 Swami retired back to His residence.
    Today (5th May) Morning Bhagawan gave an hour long darshan Swami came at 8.25 a.m. Swami remained on the dais during the morning darshan. After the morning Arathi Swami went back to TRAYEE. It's been quite a while since Swami came among the devotees, i.e. down in the hall darshan lines where the devotees sit. Tomorrow 6th May is the auspicious Easwaramma Day perhaps Swami may bless us the devotees by coming in between the lines.
    © Source: SBOI 
    Also read:  Brindavan Blossoms - 3


    Screen saver II
     "Sai Baba's ABC"  download:
    exclusive animated Sai Baba screen saver: click & save the exe.file run & install the Screen saver program in any of your directory e.g. C D etc.


  • Brindavan Blossoms -
    "...After Aarthi, Swami called us into Trayee. As we entered Trayee we found Swami was already sitting on the joola. Swami started by asking What is meant by Madhava. He explained that it refers to the master of Divi and bhuvi....." -  Read more  


  • 3rd May SBOI darshan update: 3rd May, Bhagawan came by 9.15 am in the morning Swami spent 30 minutes listening to the bhajans and granting His divine darshan Baba was offered Arathi at appx. 9.45 am. Thus concluding the morning session In the evening Bhagawan came at around 4.15 p.m after the evening bhajans and Arathi Swami retired back to His residence at appx. 4.45 p.m. © Source: SBOI 


  • Salient points of Swami's discourse 2nd may 2006: "...As Swami came on to the stage He brought a number of guests with Him. Those familiar included Mr. Birla, Dr Pillai from Singapore.." Read more  


  • Sai Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi -Weekly newsletter Thursday, May 04, 2006: Volume 8, Issue 51   "EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: LV Subbarao In 1990/91, one of my colleague was in mourn that his daughter, aged 10 years was suffering from brain tumuor. I advised him to pray Shirdi Sai to cure the ailment and send dakshina Rs.10/- to Shirdi Sansthan. He did so. ..." Read more  


  • Sai Baba darshan update
    2nd may 2006: "...The Brindavan ashram is gearing up for the upcoming event “Easwaramma Day” on the 6th of May 2006, groups of devotees from many Indian states are arriving here..."
    Read more  

    Also read :  Prashanthi Bulletin 14th April including highlights of Bhagawan's  "New Year" Discourse


  • Darshan update: 29th - 30th April - 1st may 2006: "Swami sat on the stage for appx 45 minutes the Sunday Akhanda bhajan continued till evening, in the evening Bhagawan came at 4.p.m..."  Read more  


    Screen saver I "THINK"  download:
    exclusive animated Sai Baba screen saver: click & save the exe.file run & install the Screen saver program in any of your directory e.g. C D etc.


  • Brindavan Blossoms -
    "...Swami then gestured that a group song should be sung. Humkothumse pyar kithna was sung full-throated by all the students...." -  Read more  

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the concourse of men ...but I speak and listen to the language of the soul." -
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