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Darshan update, 29th April Evening - 1st may  2006
Brindavan Ashram. Bangalore

29th April the evening bhajan started by 3.50 P.M all eyes were fixed on the dais door, at 4 p.m. Bhagawan entered Sai Ramesh, after getting up from His mobile chair, Swami walked up to His throne. Swami stayed on the stage while the bhajans were going on. Sitting in His blissful and expressive mood Swami gave ananda to all devotees. After around 50 minutes Swami signalled for Arathi, at 4.55 thus concluding the evening bhajans & darshan.

30th April Sunday Bhajans started at appx. 7.50 am after 2-3 bhajans, Bhagawan came on the dais Swami sat on the stage for appx 45 minutes the Sunday Akhanda bhajan continued till evening, in the evening Bhagawan came at 4.p.m granting an hour long darshan to devotees present in Sai Ramesh hall. Swami was offered Aarthi at around 5 p.m. thus concluding the evening darshan. Swami went back to His residence at around

1st may- Today morning Swami came at around 8.20 a.m. after the wonderful bhajan session Aarthi was offered to Swami, Swami went back to His residence at appx 8.55. Swami granted His evening darshan today’s at appx 4p.m. Swami remained on the stage for at least an hour. Bhajans came to conclusion with the offering of Aarthi to Swami.

An announcement was made today that Swami will deliver a discourse tomorrow evening namely,
2nd may. These days Swami is not coming down on the hall floor where the devotees sit and ‘experience’ the divine darshan, that is, in between the darshan blocks/lines. Mostly Swami sits on the dais and grants His darshan but there are lucky days when Swami is right among the devotees and gives close up darshan on His mobile chair. Swami is wheeled by a student or some other attendant, it is here that opportunity to present a personal letter to Swami may arise or even better Sambashan, Sparshan with divine may happen.
   © source - SBOI    Sai news

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Brindavan Blossoms - 2:
"...Swami then gestured that a group song should be sung. Humkothumse pyar kithna was sung full-throated by all the students...." - Read more  

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