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 Current Sai  News


  • saidailynews_june_july_part1.htm
    May 2006
    One day I decided to quit - The balance sheet of life Great Spirit, I pray to you - Spiritual Garden - Cherish what you have - I Refuse... - JUST One... - Right Way - Touch my heart baba


  • MP3 song file download:
    paayoji meine Sai....


  • Latest Photographs of Sai Baba : 21st May 2006 Kerala youth camp in Brindavan

    Also read:
    the full detailed report:
    For the benefit of readers, a gist of the Divine Discourse is also included:  


  • Sai Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi -Weekly newsletter Thursday, May 25, 2006 :Volume 9, Issue 1   EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: Karpagam: I have wanted to write this experience for quite sometime now but never got to do it. The boss to whom I was working for in my job accused me of something, which I did not do.  ..." Read more  

  • Divine Nectar 'miracle' - Sai Amrit Screen Saver:
      Enjoy the drops of amrit (Divine nectar) trickle from Sai Baba's photo on your computer screen/monitor. Install this Exclusive screen saver and enjoy the miracle Everyday! 

    Visit Screen saver *download page   *Now! Download with or without background sound

  • 21st May - SBOI darshan update:
    "..Soon there is movement on stage with a student arranging table ,mike etc; The officer comes on stage seeks Swamis permission and begins his talk with OM SREE SAI RAM...."
    Read more  


  • U
    p close and personal with Sai : Sun. May 21st, 2006 "..
    Swami Came down to us wheel chair...But as soon as swami reached near us Swami asked us "Enna Venam" [What do u want ???] Each one of us were dumbfounded ...Each one of us were feeling that vibration ....Swami stood there for a long time ...Giving us the greatest Darshan...Which we will not be able to forget all.... "
    Read more


  • 20th May - SBOI darshan update:
    Darshan at Brindavan, 20th May Afternoon-" ...It all started at 3.45pm with Chanting of Sai Gayathri: " Om Saieeswaraaya Vidamahe Satya devaaya dheemahi tannah sarvah prachodayat " After that Bhajans started at 4.00 pm Swamy came to the stage at 4.15 pm....  
    Read more  


    Buddha Poornima 127 New Photographs: pictures of Sai Baba + cultural & seva programme of Buddha Purnima 2006 at Brindavan ashram, Bangalore.


  • Speech:
    delivered by Mr. Phoa Krishnaputra on the occasion of Buddha Poornima - 13th May 2006. "Everything seemed wonderful but something was niggling me deep inside my mind. This feeling had been with me all the time and as the years rolled by an understanding of what I really wanted became more and more clear."... Read more  

  • Getting Rid of MAYA: Maya has the capacity to ruin our life. If we understand the nature of Maya well...Read more  


    "...Loving Sai Ram and greetings from Prashanti Nilayam. Here in Prashanti, it is quite common to see many people sitting in the veranda reading books, while waiting for Swami to come out for Darshan. These days, many of the books that devotees are reading deal with Science and God...." Read more  

  • Mp3 Download:
    Satsang with Prof. Anil Kumar-April 16, 2006 Q/A session of Mr Anil Kumar held in Chicago on April 16 2006.


  • Sai Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi -Weekly newsletter Thursday, May 18, 2006 : Volume 9, Issue 1   EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: Saipadma - I had many experiences with Sai Baba. In the month of March, I had severe pain in my legs, that lasted more than two weeks, I had been to a doctor who told it  ..."
    Read more  

  • Here is an important news.
    As you are aware, for quite some time now, totally unfounded, despicable, pernicious and absolutely false rumours have been circulating about our Beloved Swami. Not only have these rumours been spread through e-mails and the internet....
     Read more  

  • Theories of Karma, Death & Atma:
    "...Karma is the cause of man's bondage to the cycle of birth and death. The life  has been given to man to sort out the consequences of the previous Karma deliberately done, in many past lives,..."  Read more  

  • Photos
    Saievents around the globe:

    1. Prof. Anil Kumar visit to Brazil - photo

    2. Sai Nilayam Sri Lanka Colombo Buddha poornima celebrations photos


  • Remember this…
    It is your fortune that Sai Rama is the mainstay of your life....
    Words Of Sai


  • 14th May Sai darshan update:
    The festivities of Buddha poornima continue today "..The choir soon ends with Shiva Maheswara..prompting loud claps and we see SWAMI move his hands in a circle and .....A GOLD CHAIN is materialised in swami's hand amidst loud clapping from the charged devotees..."  Read more  


  • 13th May Sai darshan update-Evening:
    "...Buddha poornima evening program commenced at 4.p.m. with Swami’s grand entrance, Swami blessed and looked at devotees waiting in the Sai Ramesh...."  Read more  

  • Darshan update 13
    th May- Morning :
    Buddha poornima  "...Sairam dear members of our [SBOI-Group] sai family HAPPY BUDDHA PURNIMA says the huge banner at the gate of Brindavan ashram ,it has Swami s picture blessing us on one side and on the other side there is a picture of Buddha on it. The decorated gates are open at 6am and as we enter the ashram, our eyes feast on the..."
     Read more  


  • Sai Travel News:
    SBOI has received information from various Sai sources that Swami might leave for His Prasanthi Nilayam ashram in Puttaparthi next week. Kindly note: these are unconfirmed reports; only Swami Himself  knows His exact  travel plans

    Download: Meditative Buddha screen saver with background music

  • All about Buddha:
    The life story of lord Buddha  - Send: Buddha & Sai greeting card

      Download:  Buddha poornima wallpaper Buddha & Sai Baba 

  • Darshan update-  Brindavan Ashram. Bangalore.
    " the darshan hall was packed with devotees since today Begum Praveen Sultana a famous singer of India came to get blessings from Swami and also presented a treat of Hindustani music programme in the presence of Lord Shri Sathya Sai Baba..." including the latest - up close and personal with Sai Baba
    Read more  


  • \
    Sai Darshan timings  9th-10th may 2006:
    Yesterday 9-5-06 Swami came in the morning by 8. a.m. Bhagavan sat on the dias for more than 90 minutes at 9.30 Swami accepted the Aarthi and went back to TRAYEE. In the evening Bhagawan came by 4.10 p.m.  Swami was offered Aarthi at 4.45 p.m. Today morning 10-5-06 Swami arrived in the darshan hall at 8.45 a.m. at 9.30 a.m. A morning Aarthi was given to Sai Baba in the evening Swami came a bit earlier than the usual time for darshan i.e. at 3.45 p.m. Swam left darshan hall at 4.30 p.m. after accepting the Aarthi. Buddha Purnima is on 13th May therefore new groups of devotees with Buddhist roots are arriving at Brindavan hoping to celebrate Buddha poornima at the lotus feet. At this moment in time SBOI has no official information or confirmation i.e. if Buddha poornima will be celebrated at Brindavan ashram.


  • Sai Baba Photos:
    Images -


  • EASWARAMMA DAY Report with More photos: EASWARAMMA DAY CELEBRATIONS: 6th MAY, 2006


  • Sai Vichaar: Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi -Weekly newsletter Thursday, May 11, 2006: Volume 8, Issue 52   EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: We were in Singapore in 2003, my husband's project got over all of a sudden and we were depressed as it was taking long time for him to get a new project. I read Sai Satcharitha quite regularly and thought I should ask my husband to read it as soon as he gets a project. But inside I was really scared and tensed to ask my husband that he might say no to it. ..." Read more  

    Brindavan Ashram, TRAYEE session 3rd -6th May 2006:
    Up close & personal with Sai "...We then had the Trayee session. As Swami came in, He commented about the low pitch in which some songs had been sung. Swami then asked Mr. Sanjay Sahni to speak...."
    Read more


  • \
    Sai Darshan timings today 8th may 2006: Swami came today morning at appx 8.50 am after half hour darshan Swami was offered Aarthi at 9.30 a.m. in the evening Swami came at 4.00 p.m. the evening darshan lasted for 40 minutes.

    7th May, Sai Baba darshan update:
    "Sairam to all today its a Sunday and a holiday, here in Whitefield-BANGALORE. we arrive for darshan of swami the time is 6 am the gates are open and we enter the ashram. The festive look is still there inside the ashram.There are small colourful triangle flags strung all along the portico,...
    Read more


  • SBOI Screen saver "Love All Serve All download - FREE: Full screen size Love All Serve ALL - exclusive animated Sai Baba screen saver: click & save the exe.file run & install the Screen saver program in any of your directory e.g. C D etc.


  • SBOI Screen saver
    "Sai Baba watch"  download - FREE:
    Sai Baba watch Screen saver that actually shows  the real time & runs like an ordinary clock. 4 watches to choose from with Sathya Sai & Shirdi Sai Baba pictures.
     click here to see

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