Sri Sathya Sai Baba Center of Edmonton

9619 – 82 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5A 0A3

Tel: 437 – 7243

May 24, 2006

For Immediate Release Saturday May 27, 2006
Saturday May 27, Human Values Day in Edmonton

Mayor Mandel to open Walk for Values

The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre’s (SSBC) second annual Walk for Values will be opened by Mayor Stephen Mandel at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday May 27th 2006, where the day will be publicly proclaimed Human Values Day in Edmonton.. It will be a 4.5 km. walk, starting from 96 Street and 83 Avenue along 83 Avenue to 100 St, then along 82 Avenue to 108 Street at which point we walk back along 83 Avenue and end at 9619 – 82 Avenue for a closing ceremony and refreshments. This Walk focuses on promoting the five human Values of Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Right Living), Shanti (Peace), Prema (Love), and Ahimsa (Non violence) as espoused by our world-renowned teacher or Guru, Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, India.

“The purpose of the Walk every year is to raise Awareness of the Human Values and make the community a better, safer place to live,” says Mr. Sam Rao the Walk for Values coordinator. “Last year the Walk drew about 200 people including members of other faiths and spiritual organizations, and we hope to do the same or better this year,” he continued. The walkers who had had pledged to practice a value of their choice, as a personal commitment to transformation, proceeded joyfully along singing songs and holding their chosen Values proudly, and motorists spontaneously honked their horns in appreciation. A few of the popular values chosen were 'love', 'patience' and 'forgiveness.'

The SSBC of Edmonton has been operating a spiritual organization in Edmonton since 1983 and has established a permanent home at 9619-Whyte Avenue at an old rundown theater space which has been transformed into an Abode of Peace in our city.


Mr Sam Rao 453-1198; 982-1818; Pearl Bennett 429-5712

Please join us as we step out to make the world a better place.

Submitted to SBOI

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