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Remember this…
It is your fortune that Sai Rama is the mainstay of your life.
Sai’s name is the auspicious mantra to worship and pray for.
Sai Krishna is your Supreme Protector.
His smarana is the best path to overcome the tangles of life.
Sai Siva is your entire strength and kith and kin.
He is the ultimate reward of all desirable things.
From now onwards Sai’s service is the most desirable one for you
Sai’s name is the best religion for you from now onwards
The Lord of Parthi will always protect you;
The merciful Lord will lift you up by hand.
He will not forget you at any time,
Remember this…..

... Aham Sathyabodhakah
Na ham manushyo
Na cha deva yakshah
Na Brahmachari na gruhi vanaprastha
Na Brahmana Kshatriya Vaishya Sudra
Aham Sathyabodhakah
Sathyam Sivam Sundaram

I am not a human being
nor a god or a superman;
I am neither a brahmachari, a householder
nor a vanaprastha;
Nor am I a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya
nor a Sudra.
I am the Teacher of Truth;
I am Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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