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Wish fulfilling Sai Baba

Sai Ram brothers and sisters,

I would like to narrate a small story of my daughter. It happened just a few days ago.
On a evening, my daughter got the wish that she wanted a small chest for her Sai Baba belongings, next to the picture of Sai Baba. The next day at the evening dinner she told us i.e. her parents, her wish.
We told her that a small chest that size wasn't easily to be found and we asked her to forget this wish.
That evening my husband had to go to work and I went to an appointment.
When I came home, a small chest, perfect size was standing in the front of our house. I guess, some one or one of the neighbours have put it there. I asked my daughter to come over and take a look at the chest. She was very happy that her wish  was granted that soon. Though, other wishes were not granted. She concluded that wishes considering God were granted, others not, according to this, she asked in puzzlement: if Sai Baba wanted her to change her life according to his wishes? My answer was: YES, and you will live a more happy life then when you don't do it.
She said, I think you are right.

Sai Ram and may Swami bless you and your loved ones.

Submitted to SBOI
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 21:34:35 +0200
From: Mari-Elise <marielise@mar.....>


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