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Sairam to the noble hearted members of this Holy group
Amidst cheers,prayers and colourful flowers Swamy arrived to parthi yesterday. Many breathed a sigh of relief after Swamy came back from His off-season visit to Whitefield. Many devotees, especially westerners were in two minds as to go to whitefield or stay in parthi as many were not sure of date of return. To some of them it was a TENSE situation as Swamy has gone to whitefield, and for the consecutive 3 years, some thing or other happens to Swamy’s body. Those people were doubly happy as nothing of that kind happened to Swamy.
This morning 20th Jan, I rushed to parthi along with my father. We thought we can’t make it to the token lines but managed to get the last line. As it happens in parthi, the last line always gets first token, We were not very much surprised to see our line getting infirst. I was the third person to get into the Kulwanth hall. Thanked Swamy. Our eyes thirsty for Swamy’s darshan.
Swamy came out for darshan at 7:20am surprising allof us. Being in first line, I always get excited, and when I have a letter for Him that excitement doubles up. I had an important letter from some one. The car came towards the gents side,Swamy took letter from few gents sitting opposite to the dias. The car was getting closer to me, I slightly raised and showed the letter to Swamy, as He was looking at the letters which He just got from devotees.
He signaled to take my letter and said something to me but the car was bit fast today and passed by.No regrets what so ever, if He wants He will tell me at the RIGHT time. But I was immensely happy for His love and compassion. The GOLDEN MOMENTS when He was looking into my eyes are enough for me.
He got down from the car on the right side of the dias, and went to the interview room. The devotees in the verandah were seated and curiously looking at the interview room. After 10 minutes Swamy came on the dias in the wheel chair (read as Thorne). Devotees who witnessed this morning darshan will never forget today’s darshan. As the student place was vacant, all the devotees gathered in the hall had a good view of Swamy and Swamy was looking every where. He was there for good15 minutes and gave all of usa chance to have His darshan to our hearts content. After wards He went to the interview room and came out in minutes. He again came on the stage now facing towards the ladies’. Iam sure many ladies were in tears seeing Him. He was there speaking to a devotee for 15 minutes giving enough time to the ladies to have His darshan. He didn’t stop there. He again asked the boy to take Him to the ladies’ side.All the devotees’ were surprised, and
Swamy was just GIVING AND GIVING…. As if to compensate His one week absence in parthi. This made all the ladies’ much more happier. He gave wheel chair (thorne) darshan and went to His house
By now it was 8:30am and the car was parked infront of His house(Abode) facing towards the Kulwanth hall. After that we left, with our hearts filled with joy.
Thank You very much Swamy……
Sai Mata Pita Deena Bandhu Sakha Tere Charanomein Sai Mere Koti Pranam
With lots of Sai Love
Satish Naik

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