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  •  Sai Shivaratri wallpaper - 26th Feb: Exclusive 2 dimensional wallpaper with Sai Shiva - do not miss to download this wish fulfilling picture of Sathya Sai Baba.
    download - size:
      800 x 600     1024 x 768 
    Added one more Bonus Wallpape5r "Shiva lingam"

  •  Prashanthi Bulletin: Detailed official  Sai Darshan news 27th Feb. ..." ...Swami was interacting a lot with brothers Nitin and Satyajit. After a while, He asked for the leaves to be distributed to all the students and devotees. We thought that maybe Aarti is about to be performed and therefore, Swami wants all the leaves to be distributed. But it was not to be so. The leaf distribution was over but Bhajans went on. As it neared 7:15 AM, ".... 
    read more



  • 26th Feb: Sai Darshan news & Photos: Happy Shivaratri: Swami Gifted 4 cars to 4 long time devotees/Sevaks today! - Happy Shivaratri everyone. Today Morning Swami came at 8:30.  A group of Brindavan Campus boys dressed in traditional dhoti played music  with instruments to the delight of everyone....  read more

    26th Feb: Evening darshan news + excerpts of Swami's Shivaratri discourse - ....After the poetry session og Mr. Rao Swami signaled that He desired to deliver Shivaratri discourse. At 6:45 Bhaagavan started His appx. hour long discourse about five elements - in the middle of His discourse i.e. at 7:10 Swami preferred to sit on His chair and continued with the rest of His discourse... -read more

  • Detailed Sai Darshan news excerpts of Swami's discourse 25th-26th Feb. ..." of 1&0 = 10, add a 0 = 100, add another 0 = 1000, add another 0 = 10000, add yet one more 0 = 100000 If you remove the One, nothing is left. Just zeroes. So too in life, we say: My wife, my child, my land, my house is like 1 and all the rest are like zeroes. Nothing remains at the end. The whole world is a zero that comes out from God who is the Hero".... 
    read more

  • Today 25th Feb. with Swami's blessing devotees got the biggest fruit as Prasadam i.e. Water Melon. Carrying it was quite a task. Click on the picture to see the water melons being brought to poornachandra.
  • Detailed Sai Darshan news & excerpts of Swami's discourse from today - 24thFeb-   read more 

  • Sai Darshan News today & excerpts of Swami's 2nd discourse-24th Feb. At appx. 9 a.m. Swami came in Kulwant Hall while the first bhajan praising lord Ganesha
    was going on. Swami gave darshan and left back to His residence at 9.35 a.m. after the Arathi.  Two book sale stands (tents) near south Indian
    canteen have come up to cater the growing number of devotees coming to celebrate Shivaratri . In the evening Swami blessed once again all present at Sai Kulwant hall with a discourse.
     read more

  • Sai Baba quote - Bad qualities: "How is it possible to give up bad qualities when you are so used to them? If you are told that you are holding a cobra in your hand, would you release it inch by inch? No, you would instantly fling it away. These habits are like a cobra in your hand. You have to decide and throw it off instantly and not gradually....for once bitten, it many be too late to save yourself... Sai Baba
  • Detailed Sai Darshan news & excerpts of Swami's discourse from today - 23rdFeb-  ....Swami concluded His Discourse at around 5.30 p.m. This evening, the best part of Swami's Discourse was that He stood perfectly well without showing any strain. Bhagawan's voice too was loud and clear just as it used to be a few years back. At the end, He concluded with the Bhajan - Hari Bhajna Bina Sukha Shanti Nahin and sang the song fully, which has become very rare now. Towards the end, He even started clapping with both His Hands for a while. This was something very grand and heartening for all of us to witness!... read more 

  • Sai Darshan news - 23rd Feb. "...The program went
    on till 4:25 then Swami signaled to give discourse, so the table was arranged for Swami with microphone. Swami started His
    discourse at 4:30 it went on till 5:25. nearly an hours discourse was excellent teaching for all the students present and the devotees
    listening. Swami talked about control of  5 senses,( and not to concentrate on 6th sense) concentrate on good thoughts specially 
    young boys ....   At the end of His discourse Swami materialized a Green Stone ring.... read more

  • Sai Darshan news - 22nd Feb. Today morning Swami didn't come for Darshan. In the afternoon (evening darshan) Swami came at 3.55.p.m. Swami took a full round in His car got down on verandah and more



  • Detailed Sai Darshan news - 20th & 21st Feb-  ....As the boys got into their places in the Kulwant Hall and set everything for starting their play, Swami Blessed the birthday boys and others seated in front. There were almost a dozen boys waiting in a line and Swami Blessed each boy with a smile and a few words more 
  • Sai Darshan news - 21st Feb. .... Bhajans started at 9 a.m. and everyone thought now Swami will come at appx 9.30 with the last Bhajan going on, one could see Swami’s car parked outside His more 

  • Sai Darshan news Brindavan: The last three weeks of Bhagawan's stay at Brindavan is detailed here. more 

  • Sai Darshan news - 19th Feb 2006: Today morning 19th Feb. the kulwant hall was packed with devotees to get Swami’s darshan after His return here in more 
  • Detailed Sai Darshan news - 19th Feb-  This morning, Bhagawan did not come out for Darshan. Therefore, in the evening, we all hurried to the Mandir, pining to have His Darshan. At 4.10 p.m. the restless devotees whose eyes were glued to the Poornachandra Entrance, heaved a sigh of relief when they finally saw the car make its appearance at 4.10 p.m. At 4.20 p.m. we could see the flash of the orange robe as Bhagawan was wheeled into the car. read more 

  • 18th Feb. Sai travel news: Swami has left Whitefield ashram and according to reliable source He is expected to arrive in Puttaparthi appx 4:30 p.m. we'll update you with arrival photos and details later.    Sai Baba arrived in Puttaparthi at 4.20 p.m. read more 
  • Sai welcome & arrival pictures from 18th Feb Puttparthi: see today's latest pictures
    of Puttaparthi Ganesha gate and the main road crowded with devotees waiting for Swami and Swami's welcome & arrival. click here

  • 14th -15th -16th Feb. Whitefield Darshan News: The Yajana ended today with Swami’s coming to the kalyan mantap blessing all present there He also gifted new clothes to priests performing the Yajana rituals. read more 

  • 13th Feb-Sai Darshan News from Whitefield: ...At one point during the Arathi Swami nearly bended down on the railing and looked charmingly down at the bhajans more 
  • Detailed Whitefield News -  Feb. ... Taking the card from them Swami read it and asked them how long the program would last and in how many languages poems were written. At 5.15 p.m., Bhagawan indicated with a nod that the Kavi Sammelan may commence... read more 

  • 12th Feb-Sai Darshan News from Whitefield: Swami came out at appx. 09.25 a.m. Also today Swami walked out of the curtain entrance walked towards the railing, more 

  • Sai News 10th & 11th Feb: Many devotees have informed SBOI that there is a special Yajana going on in Whitefield at the moment, initiated by Swami Himself. The sacred yajna by priests is being performed not in Sai Ramesh Hall or Darshan hall but in the smaller hall i.e. Kalayna Mantap opposite the darshan hall, read more 

  • Sai News 9th Feb:  Sai Baba pleased his devotees and came walking in through the curtained entrance at 10.25 am... read more 
  • Sai Darshan News from Whitefield - 8th Feb: Today evening bhajans started at 5.00 pm. At 5.20 pm Pundit Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living fame walked into the VIP enclosure followed by his entourage. Sai Baba walked in at 5.25 pm, held on the railings... read more 

  • Latest Sai Baba photographs from Whitefield - Sai Chinese New Year Celebrations

  • Sai News7th Feb: Swami didn't come for morning darshan more 

  • Sai Darshan News from Whitefield - 6th Feb: ...Bhajans started by the Lunar New Year Group at 9.30am, comprising mainly devotees from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. At 9.40am The Lion Dance Troupe ushered Swami into the Ramesh Hall. Swami was wheeled up and down the centre more 

  • Whitefield News -  Feb. recent details from Whitefield After a little while, Swami got up from the chair and indicated that He wanted to go down amongst the devotees. Swami made His way towards the lift, came down, walked a few steps to where Sri H.D. Deve Gowda, the former Deputy PM of India, was standing, blessed him, and started walking amidst the students. Watching Swami walk was thrilling as this was the first session when Swami actually walked amidst the devotees during this visit. read more 

  • Sai News5th Feb:...Sai Baba showed up at 10.40am. Sai Baba walked in through the curtained entrance and stood for a while holding the railings and sat for the Bhajans till 11am....  read more   update! read more news sent by Sanjay

  • Sai News 4th Feb: today Swami gave 1 1/2 hrs of Bhajans cum darshan..... read more   

  • Sai News 3rd Feb: Swami walked in through the curtain entrance at 5.40 pm.... read more   


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