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Sai Vichaar
 Thursday , April 06, 2006 :: Volume 8, Issue 47
 (In its eighth year of publication.)

Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form.

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FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Ramnavami message

The path towards the Sadguru is the real path, more so in this age of conflicts, contradictions and acute materialism. As Swami Vivekananda said like all rivers leading to the sea, all the paths that men take lead to Him, the God eternal. The paths that are mostly adopted by the seekers are Rajyoga, Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga, Hathayoga, Layayoga, Nivaiti Marg, Prakriti Marg etc. There are even Avadhootas, Kapalikas, Aghoris and many other type of seekers. Various religions have different approaches. In all this multiplicity of approach towards God realization, there has to be something common and universal that must be pervading all. The seeker of this universal path reaches the goal in the earliest period of time.

Sitting in Shirdi Masjid, Baba had said that there are many paths, but one of the paths leading to God is through the Dwarkamayee. When one analyses how Baba led thousands of people towards God realization at Shirdi a certain pattern evolves. The basic principles of the Sai path are based on :

(a) The existence in physical form of a perfect being known variously as a perfect Master a Sadguru or a Qutub as called by the Sufis. A Qutub simply means an axis, a pivot around which others, living and non-living, both revolve. The perfect Master, having himself experienced different stages of evolution including that of man has at last reached the stage of God. However, those among these perfect beings, who, out of infinite compassion, make the greatest sacrifice of not enjoying the blissful state of God but incarnate in a human body on earth to serve the imperfect, suffering humanity are called the perfect Masters. As Mehar Baba has said at any point of time there are five perfect Masters on earth in embodied form.

(b) When in human body they act both as human beings and Gods. As Gods they have infinite power, infinite knowledge, infinite happiness and infinite existence. Like God they are Omnipotent, Ominipresent and Omniscient enjoying the powers of the Almighty. They share their power, knowledge and pleasure with the millions of human beings by methods unperceivable by human beings and are known as Leelas or divine miracles. All miracles are based on the laws of nature, only one has to know, experience and master it. All the elemental forces of nature like fire, water, air etc. defined as deities by the Hindus work under their command or wish. As Gods they see everything in themselves and themselves in everything. So they serve everyone without any differentiation as if they are serving themselves. They see God in everyone even though others may not be able to see God in them. They give infinite love to others and infinite pain from others. Once any human being or any specie is linked with them in any manner, they ensure that these creatures are evolved, life after life till they merge with God from where they came. This ultimate stage of evolution is ordinarily known as Mukti or Moksha.

FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Ramnavami message (continued......)

(c) These perfect Masters alone are capable of leading human being to God realization. They follow what is common and universal in all religions i.e. humanism based on love. Out of love they not only take care of the spiritual evolution of the devotees but also their temporal requirements. Once one has surrendered to them they look after all needs of the devotee as a mother would do for a child. They can go to any extent, even to sacrifice their human body, to protect their children. That’s what Baba did for many as can be read in Shri Sai Satcharitra and as experienced by many. To develop closer and closer link with Him, one has to develop faith in Him even under the most trying circumstance patiently. Also to develop the qualities of humility, sacrifice, tolerance and steadfastness in devotion and actions desired by the Sadguru. One will evolve earlier than others worshipping too many deities if he follows this path of Guru. Baba used to give visions to many people in the form of their deities like Hanumaan, Ganesh etc., which convinced them that there is no difference between Baba and any other deity or even God. One can therefore, at the first stage try to see all deities in Baba, worship Him in the method in which other deities are worshipped. In short one should try to see and seek everything in and from Baba. This path may be difficult at the initial stage but can certainly be achieved with steadfastness and faith in Baba. So let us try.

A message from Guruji Shri C.B.Satpathy


CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: Devotion, an end in-itself

It is said that while attending to the ordained duties/functions that involved in our life, every being ought to strive to escape from re-births, that is, to attain Liberation. This calls for spiritual practice and great Saints and Scriptural texts speaks of Devotion as an end in itself. In this pursuit, separate Mutts arose because of differences in the methods of pursuing the same. However, the Bhakti Marga is inherent in any Mutt. Bhakti is not mere Prayer. The actual strain of Bhakti is to promote in-depth understanding of a subject through logical discussions and study. Bhakti may not be possible without research. Any devotee that is bereft of Bhakti is bound to be regenerated under the weight of it's own ignorance and it is imperative for it's intrinsic values.

Of the four ways, namely, Karma, Gnana, Yoga and Bhakti (devotion) in the spiritual pursuit, the path of Bhakti (devotion) is thorny full of pits and ditches and difficult to traverse, as explained under Chapter 6 of Sri Sai Satcharitha. In fact, the three ways, Karma, Gnana and Yoga also ultimately lead the devotee to attain Bhakti (devotion). It is evident that Bhakti marga brings together all the institutions on spiritual aspiration. The conception of God taking any particular form is a way to develop Devotion (Bhakti) as mentioned by the blessed author under Chapter 11 of Sri Sai Satcharitha. Hence, the Being concentrated on a particular form, would be the easier Sadhana to develop Bhakti (devotion). Evidently, the realization of the virtue of Devotion by Devotion itself, by being worshipping Saguna Brahma form, Sadguru, results in the realization of God's action, that is, develops Faith in God. Thus cleans the restlessness of the mind. There on, it keeps the mind peaceful under Bhakti (devotion) on Saguna Brahma, Sadguru. The devotee shall be successful when earnest in this pursuit.

Lord Shri Shirdi Sai Baba said that His Guru was the sole object of meditating and He was conscious of none-else. While meditating on His Sadguru the mind / intellect were stunned and keeps Himself quiet and Bow in silence, vide, Chapter 32 in Shri Sai Satcharitha. When devotion becomes all-consuming, the Lord also reciprocates it, as His devotee's welfare is paramount to Him. It is rather interesting to observe and analyze the oriental concept of Sadguru and the relationship He bears towards His chosen disciples. The Truth and Guru are identical. Once ignited Bhakti (devotion), it draws the whole being irresistibly on-wards until the tiny spark becomes a flame.

(Contributed by LV Subbarao)



I wrote the biography of Rajarshi Sri Ramanananda Swamiji who is a staunch devotee and propagator of Shirdi Saibaba Teachings and Philosophy. I wanted to dedicate this book to well known Sai devotee Radhakrishna Mai. I have written her name, put her beautiful photo on the typed manuscript, and slept. On the same night I suffered with severe fever and all of sudden Baba came to my room and said seriously" don't dedicate her this book, remove her name and photo". I said Yes, and immediately my fever disappeared and on the morning immediately I removed the dedication page. I told this to Swamiji and others. They were surprised. This is my experience that happened in 2005.

A Sai devotee
I am going through a very tough time regarding my health. I had so much pain in my lower abdomen and went to a doctor. There I came to know that I have problem in my ovary. I have prayed to Baba for my report to be normal though the situation seemed different. My Baba came to my rescue and the report came out normal. I promised Baba that I would share my experience with every body. Samartha Sadguru Sainath maharaj ki jai.

Baba, thank you very much for extending my husband's project. Please help my brother-in-law to write his MDS exams well. As promised to Baba earlier I am posting this news to Sai Vichaar.

Thank You Baba for blessing me with positive results in the health report. As promised, I am posting this on Sai Vichaar. Help me have immense faith and devotion in You. Koti pranams to you, Baba.

Thank you so much Sai. Please keep blessing us.

Baba, thanks a lot. I started parayan last week and I got selected for work placement in a very big laboratory and I got their positive reply on Thrusday. I know its all because of Sai. Be with us always and take care of our family. Relieve my husband from all worries and let my family be always happy. Jai Sai Ram.



Baba help me with my anxiety problem, help me with my health, and please help me doing your prayers every day. Baba I need you please help me I am very scared. Baba please help me to overcome with my all health related problems .

I want my son to finish his degree at the earliest and give him the necessary motivation and guidance for this.

I sincerely pray to You that the children should do very well in their exam and get good results. Please bless my husband so that his business does well by removing all the obstacles in the way.

Baba its a humble request from one of your devotee to please help me achieve my goal and help in clearing my exam and help me in maintaining peace in my family and please look after my papa who is very lonely after my mom's death.

We have so many commitments and little money. Please help us Baba. Please watch over my husband, my son, my parents and my sisters who are getting married. Please bless us. Please stay with us all the time and help us get rid of our sorrows and financial crisis.

This week I have a job interview. Please help me to feel confident and always shower your blessings.

As promised, I have given notice to quit both jobs. Please take care of my health, kid's education and health, and help us settle soon so that my husband can have better future.

Baba I once again pray to you, please be with my wife at all times and make sure that her exam is done and she gets thought this time with your help and blessings.

I pray that please Baba help my husband get a good job he is interviewing at so many places but no luck yet. Please Sai help us in this. I am sure this delay is your wish but I pray that he gets a good job soon.

Sai Devotee
Dear Baba, I have quit my job because i was not happy there. I have started a new business now. I want your complete blessing for my new venture. With great difficulty my husband has set this venture for me, please help me and guide me to establish myself and reap good profits.

Baba please help me to come out from this acute phase of depression. You all know about this. I, along with my family will come to Shirdi after current phase of mental agony is over.



My son Avinash had a trip to India, Hong Kong and Japan from Canada last year all by himself for the first time. Mumbai was experiencing heavy floods and Avi too was in Mumbai during the time of floods. He was stranded at Mumbai airport for almost 4 days without food, water, washroom, telephones or computer access. I kept calling up my parents/sister but none had any contact with him since he had already checked in and was not allowed any outside contact. I was totally disturbed, could not sleep or eat and during the night time started talking and crying to Baba asking for his aid. Later my sister called from India crying out of joy that Avi has taken off for Hong Kong and will call me up once he reaches Hong Kong.
When my son returned from his trip, he related his experience with Baba. He asked me if I was crying and was somewhere in the Mandir with Baba. I said yes. Then he related that when he was sitting at the Mumbai airport all depressed and hungry and was just praying to Baba to sail him and others through this calamity, out of the blue there came a lady sitting besides him, started talking to him about her life. Avi questioned her as to why was she telling him all about her life story. Then she showed him an album of her son who Avi said was himself, his picture, which he said: 'Mom I just couldn't believe it, it was me in that picture'. She apparently had lost her son in USA who was shot dead by some gangsters and she had come to India to perform his last rites and was returning home to Hong Kong. Avi went on to say that this lady offered him food and took care of him all the way, until they reached Hong Kong like his mother. He said 'Mom I was just amazed as she was just like you' and once they reached Hong Kong airport that lady disappeared into the thin air nowhere to be seen as he wanted to help her in luggage and also thank her but she was gone as she came in.

I had purchased a house. I wanted Baba to bless it. So I went to Sai temple in Mylapore. It was all unplanned, so I had not booked for any specific pooja. But all the way through my journey to the temple, I was just thinking, I wish I could do Abhishekam to the Lord. I reached the temple at 6:00 am. I could not believe my eyes when I entered it. The Abhishek had just started. I was so thrilled. I asked my father to rush to near by shop and get milk. I thought if atleast my packet of milk reaches the Lord for His Abhishek, I am blessed. There was already a queue of devotees, each of them were given the chance to do the Abhishekam. I also went and stood in the queue. Baba blessed me further, by giving me the chance to do Abhishkek, not just me but also to my parents and my child. I had purchased a Shawl for Him. The priest took it and asked me to help him wrap it around Baba and put a garland myself. Then I gave the documents for this final blessing. Baba fulfilled my all my thoughts. I am ever thankful to You, Shridi Sai Baba, for always showering your blessings on me.



"One must carry out one's vow, or bear the consequences"-Sai Baba



Q. I give people what they want until they will begin to ask me what I want to give

A. by Prakash

Sai Baba said, "I give my people what they want until they will begin to ask me what I want to give them ". Comment?
Few lines from Sai Satcharitha will explain this. "I thought that what a man might give does not last long and it is always imperfect. But what My Sircar (God) gives, lasts to the end of time. No other gift from any man can be compared to His. My Sircar says "Take, take," but everybody comes to me and says 'Give, give.' Nobody attends carefully to the meaning of what I say. My Sircar's treasury (spiritual wealth) is full, it is overflowing. I say, "Dig out and take away this wealth in cartloads, the blessed son of a true mother should fill himself with this wealth. We want material wealth; Sadguru wants to give us Spiritual wealth.

Q. What is the best way to worship Sai Baba of Shirdi? What should be our routine?

A. by Ramaa Maddipatla

Shirdi Sai Baba, who is the incarnation of Almighty as Sadguru, never advocated any ritualistic method of worship. He called Himself a servant of God and always used to invoke uttering "Allah Malik!" In another mode, He said that He is all pervasive, omniscient and would protect and facilitate spiritual elevation of His devotees. He clearly said, "If you make Me the object of your worship and utter My name remembering Me always, I shall be ever indebted to you. I am servant of my devotees. I am there everywhere. What ever you do and think will be known to Me. I do not need a vehicle or open doors to reach you. I am always with you. If you think that Sai is confined to Shirdi alone and is restricted to this human body, you have not understood Me. I am everywhere. I can reach you even if you are thousands of miles away. I shall drag My devotees to Me, like a sparrow with a leg tied to a string."

Let us consider the episode of Radhabai Deshmukh. Baba explicitly told her, "Mother, My guru did not give me any mantra. I am not the guru who babbles through ear. Our traditions are different. There is no need for any mantra from guru. Dedicate yourself to guru taking the path of 'Shraddha' (faith and devotion) and 'Saburi' (patience with courage)." According to Baba there is no need to take recourse to ritualistic worship. He loves devotion / "Bhakthi." Baba exhorted his devotees to adhere to their "swadharma". Hence in the ambit of ones own "swadharma" a devotee can comfortably worship Sai Baba. He belonged to the devotees of all religions without affiliating Himself to any religion.

I do not think that we should insist on a strict daily routine with regard to worship of Sai Baba. The daily routine of worship should be as per the inclination and religious background of each devotee. Baba's devotees are from different religions and sects. Therefore, the daily routine of worship cannot be common or uniform to all of them. The only feature that can be common to all Sai devotees is "parayana" or the dedicated study of His "Satcharitha". Every Sai devotee should carry out the dedicated study of "Sai Satcharitha". The important thing is that one should adhere to "swadharma" with regard to Baba's worship.

With love, dedication and devotion, if we call Baba, He would respond. Let us not have any doubts in this regard. Let us surrender to Him and enjoy the everlasting bliss of His divine love! Regarding food habits, Baba never insisted on any strict code of diet for a devotee. He, however, has given some guidelines. He said, " Be satisfied with one or two items. Don't hanker after taste." Baba said that all kinds of food are sacred, as it is said; "Annam parabrahma swaroopam" According to Him there is no unholy food. His dictum is not to get attached to or loath any kind of food. He advocated moderation in food consumption. He respected the food habits of all His devotees irrespective of the fact whether they are vegetarians or non-vegetarians. I think all Sai devotees should develop the attitude of not loathing or / and getting attached to any kind of food. Let us respect the food habits of others and let us be moderate in our food consumption.



Sri Ramanavami celebrations in Chicago, USA
Sri Ramanavami and Urs festival celebrations are the first major celebration of the year for Shirdi Sai devotees. The tradition started in 1910 and continues each year. Shirdi Sai temple, Chicago will be celebrating the event for three days starting from Thursday April 6th to Saturday April 8th. The program comprises of Aartis, Maha Abhishek, Homam, Palki procession, Satcharitra parayan, bhajans and much more. For complete details please visit http://www.saibaba.us/index.html or call 847-931-4058.

Sri Ramanavami-Urs celebrations, Minnesota
Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center invites all to Sri Ramanavami-Urs celebrations on April 8, 2006 from 3 pm to 9 pm at Geeta Ashram, Brooklyn Park, MN. The event includes Sai abhishek, Sai aarathis, parayan, naam jap and bhajans, palki procession and chandan utsav. Please visit www.hamaresai.org for more details.

Shirdi Sai- Ramanavami Celebrations in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
Welcome to Sri Shirdi Sai Baba temple at Dallas-Fort Worth, a place of worship for the devotees of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. Ramnavami will be celebrated on April 6th and April 8th 2006. For details on Sai activities and services please visit http://www.shirdisaidallas.org or write to shirdisaidallas@yahoogroups.com

Shirdi Sai-Ramnavami celebrations in Bay Area, California
We welcome all of you with family, to join us for Shirdi Sai-Ramnavami celebrations in Bay Area, California on April 8th (Saturday) in Sunnyvale between 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Venue: Sanatan Dharma Kendra, 897 E Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, (Located in Reliance Technical Service complex). For RSVP and Info contact: saibandhu@yahoo.com or 408-564-6704

Sri Ramanavami celebrations in New Jersey
Shirdi Sai Dham, Inc will be celebrating Sri Ram Navami on 9th April 2006, Sunday, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Durga Mandir, Kendall Park, NJ. Please participate in the festivities and receive Baba's blessings. For more information, please call us at 609-275-1334 or visit www.shirdisaidham.org or email us at shirdisaidham@hotmail.com

Ram Navami celebrations, Toronto, Canada
Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan of Canada cordially invites all to Join in Celebrating Ram Navami festival on Saturday, April 8th 2006 at 3:00 pm followed by Mahaprasad (Preeti Bhoj) The program highlites are Abhishek - Paduka Puja and Bhajan Sandhaya. Location: Gur Mandir, 207 Queen's Plate Dr. Etobicoke M9W 6Z7 (Highway27 and Rexdale just south of Humber Valley Blvd). For details please call 416-402-8089 or 416-895-7905 or email:saileela99@yahoo.com

Sri Ramnavami celebrations, Scarborough, Canada
Shirdi Sai Mandir, Scarborough, Canada is celebrating Sri Ramnavami on April 6th 2006 from 6:00 pm and also on April 8th from 4:00 pm at 2721 Markham Road, Scarborough, Ontario, M1X 1L5 (Intersection of Markham and Nashdene) The event includes Sri Ganesh Pooja, Havan with 108 pranams to Lord Sri Ram, Abhishekam of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba with 108 pranams, Dhoop Aarti, Palaki Ceremony and Prasad. For temple activities and information please call 647-444-4724 or send an email to info@theshirdisaimandir.com

Sri Ramnavami celebrations in Sydney, Australia
Shree Shirdi Sai Mandir invites you to with family and friends to join Shree Ram Navami celebrations on 1st, 2nd and 6th April 2006 at 420 Liverpool Road, Strathfield South, NSW 2136, Australia. For detailed programme or Sansthan's activities, please contact Sansthan Info-Line at 0500 524 724.

Shirdi Sai Baba's moorthi sthapana in Melborne, Australia
Shri Shirdi Sai Sansthan Melborne invites you with family and friends to join and celebrate Baba's moorthi sthapana on April 16th 2006 and also for poojas on 14th and 15th April 2006. Venue - Hartwell Uniting Church, corner of Eddy Street and Toorak Road, Camberwell, Victoria. Guruji Shri C.B. Satpathy has kindly consented to grace this auspicious occasion. If you wish to volunteer or for information please contact Rakesh Auplish at 03-9574-8280 or Dhruv Jaggi at 04-1442-3525.



Devotees are requested to refer to Sai activities for information on Ramnavami celebrations. Sri Ramanavami is celebrated during the second week of April 2006. Please write to maildrop@saibaba.org if you would like to publish about Sai activities in your area.

Sai devotee Poonam Arora suggests the following "Question of the week" for the week,

Q. What is the best way to worship Sai Baba of Shirdi? What should be our routine? If we are non-vegetarian, is it OK?

Humbly Yours,
The Editor


source: http://www.saibaba.org/