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Hari Naama Keerthanam Kaliyuga
Sadhana Sunday, August 24th, 2014 |
25 Aug 2014, Prasanthi Nilayam:
Highlighting the esoteric significance of Namasmarana in present
times, as propagated by Bhagawan, the Post Graduate students from
Sri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam
campus presented a drama entitled “Hari Naama Keerthanam Kaliyuga
Sadhana” last evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam.
Presented analogically, depicting a group of four men caught in a forest struggling to find their way out, the 75 minute drama presentation focused on the supreme importance of Naamasmarana in present times, as solution to each and every problem of humanity.
Even as the four men, with varied temperaments and ideologies struggled to find their way out, as luck would have it, they had an accidental meeting with a strange charming duo, Sarathi and Sakha, who took the reins from thereon taking the foursome through the ‘escape-route’, not before imprinting on them the greatness of reliance on Godhood taking His Name at all times.
In the interlude came flashback stories of, Ajamila, who obtained the favour of Lord Vishnu by remembering His Name during his reckoning moments, a merchant who failed to remember Him in his departing moments owing to his overriding passion for worldly possessions, the Pandava encounter with Romarishi in the forest and their winning the grace of Lord Krishna, the battle of singing supremeacy between Narada and Tumburu, son of Sage Kashyapa and the most exaleted Gandharva singer, Annamaya’s supreme surrender to Lord Vishnu were holding aloft the theory of esoteric significance of Naamasmarana. II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II