AMBROSIA IN SHIRDI -Devotees Experiences of Shri Sai Baba - click on the picture to go to Index page of Ambrosia In Shirdi

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Shri Kakasaheb Dixit   was   once   suffering   from fever at the time of his going to his office in the train.

He prayed to Baba that if his fever increased he may be called to Shirdi. He suffered from fever through out the day and also during the way to Shirdi. After reaching Shirdi, his fever left him. From that time of his arrival in Shirdi, Baba also suffered from fever. This clearly shows that Baba Himself used to relieve the sufferings of His devotees by suffering Himself.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there II


A lady name (not mentioned) of Poona who was issue less wanted to go to Shirdi and have darshan of Shri Sai Baba. She was in know of the fact that if she got a coconut from Baba, she would be blessed with a child. But however, she tried to go to Shirdi, the journey was however a stand still by some reason or other. By this she felt very much dejected and thou­ght whether there was any good future to her ? One day night, Baba appeared in her dream and given a coconut to her as Prasad for which she was eagerly waiting for a long time. After she woke up from bed in the morning, she actually found a coconut in her bed. She wonder struck and made a vow that if she got a child by this Prasad, she would go to Shirdi with the child for Baba's darshan. Accordingly she got a male child in the next year and went to Shirdi with the child and fulfilled her vow. Is it not wonderful that a coconut given by Baba in a dream gave child to a Child­less lady !

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !! stupendous Delectations  and Deliverance be there II

49.   baba helped to win over a case in favour of shri haribhu karnik;

Shri Haribhu Keshav Karnik of Dahanu was once had to face an unlawful case against him in a court filed by his relatives. After having known about Baba, he came unexpectedly to Shirdi and met Baba. He offe­red a coconut betel and dakshina to Baba and bowed to him with due reverence. Baba asked him to go to the wada and take rest. The other devotees enquired him whether he has previous acquaintances with Baba. He replied "NO" this is the first time and added that Baba Himself known about this. After two days, he again met Baba in Masjid and was in deep thinking about his case. Baba told him in His own way about his troubles. After four days, he again met Baba. Baba told him "That he should watt for six months and then see about the status of the persons who had done this mischief against you". Accordingly after six months he was acquitted by the Court and his respondents have suf­fered much for their misdeeds. Thenceforth he fell in great love with Baba till his end

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !! Stupendous Delectation     and   Deliverance be there


Shri Ramchandra Vaman Patankar, a retired Head Clerk, Police Department, Alibaug, Coloba District, a devotee of Akkalkot Maharaj came to Shirdi in 1910 to take darshan of Shri Sai Baba to get His Blessings as his monthly earnings of Rs. 30/- as Clerk in Customs office was not sufficient to meet his monthly family expenses. He used to visit Balakrishna Buva's Mutt, Ram Maruthi Road, Dadar to take darshan of Shri Akkalkot Swamiji's photo there. He used to attend Shri Das Ganu Maharaj's Kirthan and Pravachanam of Baba's Leelas. Even after hearing these speeches, he did not believe Baba and he was in thought that Baba was Muslim. His friend Shri Ganu Shyam Gupta a railway employee who started to Shirdi compulsorjly requested Patankar to accompany him to Shirdi for Baba's darshan with his own expenses. Patankar told his friend that he won't pay any dakshina to Baba and even if he wants to pay, he won't pay more than Re. I/-. With this determination, he came to Shirdi with his friend. At that time there was only one hotel was in Shirdi for meals. When taking food, Patankar found some worms in meals and in dal and started shouting, whether he came there to eat these worms. His friend has warned him about this matter. Afterwards they both went to Baba's darshan in His place. On seeing Patankar, Baba enraged and drove him away. On hearing Baba's words he decided to go away from Shirdi even without Baba's permission. But the devotees there requested him that Baba would be calmed down soon and he may take darshan again. Again they both gone to Baba for darshan. On seeing Patankar Baba told in his own way "That people are coming here to eat worms". On hearing this vital words from Baba both Patankar and his friend amazed with each other and Patankar fell at Baba's feet and realised Baba as a great saint. After Baba's darshan was over, Baba gave darshan to Patankar as Akkalkot Swamiji, same as the photo in Balakrishna Buva's Mutt. He realised that Baba and Akkalkot Swamiji are not different and his doubt was completely cleared and gave Re. 1/- as dakshina After receiving this, Baba again asked Re. 1/-. He gladly paid it. Baba gave them permission to return to their house. After his return, he got a job which fetched more salary and felt thereafter, very glad through his life.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !   Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there ! !


Baba used to disburse about Rsn 700/- to Rs. 800/-daily to all. Some Brahmins from Kumbakonam came to Bombay preaching Vedantaa and thereby spending their livelihood. They came to know about Baba that Baba used to give money to the skilful persons daily  and in that eagerness for money they came to Shirdi. But they thought that as Baba was a Muslim (Availa), how did they explain Vedanta and bow to Him. How­ever they satisfied that they may bow to Him as they did for Poorna Brahma and then Baba will accept them and offer money to them. Thinking likewise, they went to Baba and stood obediently. Baba saw them and questioned them what did they want ? They replied that they want to explain Vedanta before Baba and thereby to get Sanmanam from him. Baba accepted and asked them to explain Vedanta. They explained and Baba heard it patiently. After explaining some portion, they kept quiet as they forgot what they explained and what they have to explain. Baba asked them to continue. But they kept quiet. Baba told the rema­ining portion and then the Brahmins started and fini­shed it. At the time of bowing to Baba they told "Poorna Brahma" and bowed to Baba as Poorna Brah­ma and they were ready to receive Sanmanam. Baba told them that as they bowed to “Poorna Brahma", they may receive their Sanmanam from that "Poorna Brah­ma". After hearing this Vittal answer from Baba, they were astonished and made Sashtanga Namaskar. After­wards Baba gave Sanmanam to them. They went away satisfied that Baba was more than "Poorna Braham".

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !   Stupendous Delectation aod Deliverance be there ! !


Shri Vasudev Janardhan was a census clerk in 1901. Then Shri N Nasaheb Chandorkar was the census Su­perintendent. He compelled Vasudev to go over to Shirdi as he himself going to Shirdi off and on. One day !t about 8 A.M Vasudev, Nanasaheb Chandorkar and about 18 or 20 others have gone to Shirdi for Baba's darshan. Among them, Vasudev was the youn­gest one. At that time, Baba was smoking chillim (Tobacco). As Vasudev was not a smoker, he felt nothing, but others were eager to get a puff from Baba. But Baba gave the chillim to Vasudev. He hesitated to smoke the chillim. Nanasaheb Chandorkar whispered to him to smoke it and that something would happen happy to you. Afterwards he puffed the chillim thrice. Baba received the chillum from him. He did not give the chillim to others. After this incident, Vasudev got all the promotions he desired and retired from service with sufficient pension. He told that whatever he did in Baba's name, Baba fulfilled it. After retirement, he started his own business Sadhbai water Supply and he was also a Managing agent to Belapur Kopargaom Elec­tric Co. Ltd. Kopergaon. He told that all the favours would be only by Baba's grace,

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !!   Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there !!


Shri Pilaji Gurav when he was about 13 years in 1912, his parents dreamt a dream, that in the dream of his mother Baba gave Re. 0-50 Ps. and asked her to preserve it along with her coins and thereby she would be benefited and requested her a torn cloth to wear. In father's dream, Baba appeared and said that he has to come to Shirdi and that there would be no scarcity of food to him. They came from their place Korala to Rahata Bazar. Tatya Patil's Munim (Clerk) met them in Rahata bazar and told them that Tatya Patil wanted him at Shirdi. Accordingly he came to Shirdi and met Tatya Patil. Tatya Patil told Pilaji Gurav that he should come to Baba for playing Clarion. He agreed and came to Shirdi in two days and stayed in Shirdi forever. He thought that his dream vision was fulfilled. After some days he got disgusted with Baba's abusing them. Afterwards he did not care for Baba's abuse. Baba used to became angry and through brick against him, but it would not hurt him. He would run fearing for brick hurt, but Baba ran behind him shouting stop ! stop ! ! He stopped and Baba caught hold of his collor and told him "that he would bury Pilaji and his son" and then left him. He used to play clarion at Dixit Wada during Arati time. He told Kakasaheb that I fear for Baba and His words have not understood to me. For this Kakasaheb Dixit told "Guravj not to fear for Baba, Baba wants to settle you in Shirdi". On the next day, Gurav with smiling face played clarion and Baba also smiled at him. Afterwards he became a regular player of clarion and his son got an employment in Baba's Sansthan. From this, it is understood that Baba's abuses were blessings in disguise.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely I   Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there II


Mrs. Ramabai Kanitkar resided in Yeola from 1905. Some persons called her to visit Shirdi. But she postponed her visit. As such a small Baba's photo was found on her table of its own accord. This photo was still with her. Her husband was a sub-Judge, Once she camped with her husband at Kopergaon and then they came to Rahata. They made Shirdi as permanent camping place. They stayed in Baba's Chawadi and gone to Baba's darshan. She thought that if Baba give her darshan of beloved Akkalkot Swamiji her faith towards Baba would confirm. But Baba gave darshan as Akkalkot Swamiji to her son and daughter-in-law and not to her. Later she knew this fact from them and satisfied that Baba and Akkalkot Swamiji were one and the same.

Surrender Shri Sal Completely I   Stupendous Delectation   and Deliverance be there !!


Shri Das Ganu's Guru Shri Vaman Sastri Islampur was once told Das Ganu that he was going to Kashi for attaining his last end and that thereafter he should con­sider Shri Sai Baba as his Guru as Shri Sai Baba and himself were not different. Shri Das Ganu first came to Shirdi in 1896 and took darshan of Baba on frequent instigation of Nanasaheb Chandorkar. He was not a man to believe on ones words. He will test every thing and believe himself. Baba once told to Nana that Nana should offer meals and Ganu should invite all for meals. This denotes that Ganu was a good writer. Even when Baba was in anger, Ganu used to go and take darshan of Baba. Once Baba told Ganu, "we should not serve under anybody and polish their boots'’ Ganu replied as there was no other go for him, he was in the post of a police constable and that he wrote the test for the post of Police Sub-Inspector. Baba again told him "what is the use of passing Sub-Inspectors' test and that would you satify if the job comes to you”. You should leave your job and the Almighty will look after you." Nanasaheb Chandorkar also asked Das Ganu to give up his job and obey  Baba's instructions. Ganu left off going to  Shirdi. Once  it so   happened that he has to pass through Shirdi.    Baba Himself gone and met him and told him to   give  up the job.    Even-then, he simply bowed to Baba and went away.   Once for writing Narasimha Swamy and   Meerabai  Charitra, he came to Newasa without leave.   At that   time, a dacoity appeared near Newasa, Sathegaom and Balgaom and by killing a Marwari, stolen away property worth about Rs. 80,000/-. When this was occurred, Ganu was a Head constable and he was not in head   quarters.    His Police Sub-Inspector Mr. Warden an   European asked others about Ganu and on whose    permission he    was gone ? and when he was gone. His Assistant a Muslim told the Sub-Inspector that Ganu gone to   Belapur side and his horse was with Kulkarni of Nippani Vadagaom. When the Kulkarni was enquired, he told that Ganu was in debt to him and that is why he kept his bourse with him.    After hearing this, they went away. After   Ganu returned from Newasa the Kulkarni told Ganu about the matter and that his Sub-Inspector was very angry  with him.   On hearing this Ganu went away with  the horse to Vadagaom and remembered Baba's word and realised that these troubles were due to only for the   disregard of Baba’s words. He came to Godavari river and on pled­ging on Ganga water prayed to Baba that he would give up the job,  if Baba averted  the said   trouble.    On his journey to Vadagaom, Ganu missed the way and gone to Badaton and Bameton.   These Villages were   under the Mhoguls and the dacoity in question was done only by the hunters there and the dacoits lit fire for warding off cold and telling about their bold deed in the dacoity and for the partition  of the property.    After   hearing their words, Ganu went   near them as   a traveller   to warm himself in their fire and   told  them that   his calf was lost and that he wanted  to stay with   them.   The dacoits told Ganu to   report to Amina   there.    Ganu asked them to show the   Amina and for that   he would pay something to them.    They   shown   Amina   to him. Ganu told Amina all about the   dacoits and   with his help, Ganu was able to catch all   the dacoits with all the properties.    Amina went  to Mr. Warden  and told him that Ganu captured all the   dacoits with properties and that he was on the way.   He was   first enraged and later felt glad that Ganu has done a brilliant work, and recommended for his promotion as  Sub-Inspector.    He went to Shirdi after this incident.    Baba reminded him of his vow in Godavari river and asked   him to give up his job.    As he was once   has to bear   punishment for which he was really not responsible, he went to Shirdi requested Baba  that if this trouble was over, he would give up the job.    Baba settled the affair.   Ganu offered his resignation.    Mr. Warden   told Ganu not   to resign the job.   As Ganu was stubborn,   Mr, Warden received his resignation.  Ganu  went to Shirdi and   asked Baba what he has to do ?    Baba asked him to go to   Nanded. Ganu went to   Nanded and got   the title of "Sant Kavi Das Ganu Maharaj" in lieu of his previous   occupation and name as Head constable Ganesh Dattatreya Sahasra-budhe.   This is only due to Baba's grace-

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