AMBROSIA IN SHIRDI -Devotees Experiences of Shri Sai Baba - click on the picture to go to Index page of Ambrosia In Shirdi

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Shri Raoji Balakrishna Upasani was suffering from Asthama. Shri Kakasaheb Dixit advised him to go to Baba. Accordingly, Raoji came for Baba's darshan in 1913. On seeing him Baba told that he really felt glad of his arrival and gave blessings with His UDI. After tak ing Baba's UDI, he felt better in Shirdi itself and gone away.

His eldest son was suffered from fever for five or six days in 1913. The doctor advised that the fever would not be cured soon. On the sixth day night, the boy suffered heavily and the doctor also told about the survival of the boy in negative. Raoji sat before Baba's photo praying for the life of his son. Baba gave darshan to him and told him "Not to worry, the boy's troubles 'would be over within two hours." Accordingly two hours later all the rotton things inside his stomach came out and the boy felt ease and recovered fully as told by Baba. In the morning the doctor came, examined the boy and astonished about his recovery. After two days, Raoji received a letter from Shirdi in which Baba stated all the occurances about his boy. This increased the faith of Raoji towa­rds Baba. After fifteen days, Raoji, his wife and his son gone to Shirdi for Baba's darshan. In Kopergaom, they took bath and wanted to go to Shirdi to attend Arati. But (he tanga wala in the middle gone to his house and came late. They doubted whether they can attend Arati. At that time, Baba told Sharaa to stop the Arati for a little as your Raoji friend was coming. After they came to Baba, Arati commenced Baba called his son by the side and asked him "whether you recog­nised Me when I came to you when you were with fever". By these acts of Baba their devotion to Baba increased more.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely I Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there!!


Once Nana saheb Chandorkar came to Shirdi at 12 noon and took darshan of Baba. Baba told Chandorkar that "He want to eat Puran Poli". Cbandorkar told to Baba that the time was more than 12 Nooa and that he would offer Puran Poli tomorrow. Baba told that he wanted the Puran poli then itself. Even then Chan-dorkar told that it would take time upto 4PM. Baba told him "Nevermind for the time" Then Chandorkar came out of Dwarakamayee and searched a woman for its preparation. He secured a woman and told her to prepare Puran poli and that he would give Re. 1/- for one Puran Poli. She prepared the Puran polli. Chan­dorkar gone to Baba with the plate of Puran Poli and placed before him. After some time Baba asked Chan­dorkar to take away the plate and take his meals. Chan­dorkar refused to take the plate as Baba has not eaten the Pursn poli. Baba told him that "He has eaten it and asked him to eat." For this, Chandorkar gone ang­rily to Chawadi. Baba called him and asked him to take the plate away and take his meals. Chandorkar again gone to Chawadi. angrily. Baba called him back again and told him to take meals. Chandorkar told that the would not take his meals unless Baba eaten the Puran Poli ? Then Baba told him you were with me for more than 18 years, what have you learnt from Me? I have eaten your Puran Polls in the shape of ants" and Baba prepared somethi ng and shown to Chandorkar secretly. Chandorkar then realised his ignorance and felt for it and then taken his meals and the Puran poli.

Surrender Shri   Sai Completely   Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there ! !


Dr. Hate is a total believer in Sai Baba.    He   lived for some time at Shirdi.   One evening a person named Savalram of Gwalior came to him and said that his son was missing from home. So himself and his wife were greately distressed in mind. Doctor having full faith in Shri Sai Baba told him "Go to Shirdi. Take darshan of Sal". Then you would surely see your son" Saval­ram made a wow at once, that if news of the boy's where abouts were received, he would go to Shirdi for darshan. After some time a letter was received from the boy who was in Mesopotamia, which stated that he joined the army without telling anyone and that he was returning to India. When Savalram told Doctor Hate of this, he asked him to go to Baba for darshan first. Instead of doing so savalram went to Bombay first with his wife to see the boy. No doubt he saw his son, but the latter had got emaciated due to fever. Seeing that his son was suffering from fever Savalram went with the boy to Gwalior and gone to the doctor for treatment. Doctor Hate told him "you had failed to keep up your promise you had not taken Baba's darshan. If the boy falls at Baba's feet, he will get alright" Savlaram made up his mind to visit Shirdi. He went to Doctor Hate snd asked him for an introduction letter. The doctor replied that no introduction letter was required. So saying he took a ruppe from his box and gave it to Savalram with an idea that Baba should return it to him to be kept as Prasad and such a Prasad being a rare Prasad. Savalram went to Shirdi took Baba's darshan and delivered the rupee. Baba received and kept for sometime and returned the rupee to Savalram saying "Give him his rupee". The doctor's idea was to get it back as Prasad. Baba knowing that He returned the coin. Savalram returned to Gwalior and told the doctor that he had taken darshan of Baba and that his boy's health had improved and added that Baba returned the rupee to him. The doctor took the rupee in his hand. On taking the rupee in his hand, he felt that it was not the coin he sent. So he told to Savalaram to take it back to Shirdi for that it was not his coin. Savalram was much perturbed in mind and took back the coin. Next day he went to doctor Hate with a. different rupee. When that was placed in doctor's hand, he indentified it as his own. Savalram told that by his wife's mistake (of substitution) he had given the doctor the wrong coin.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! Stupendous Delectation     and   Delivervance be there!!


On 31-3-1915, myself and Santharam Moreshwar Phanse were going on Government work through a thick jungle in a bullock cart at night. We packed from Dahanu Taluka through Ranshet pass., the bulls of our cart' became restive. The cart itself pushed backwards. We tried to find out the reasons, but could not discover it. Beyond this place, there was a preci­pice. On the left side in front of carriage, beyond the road, an axle pin was broken and visible. If the cart would shalce then the whole of the cart would roll back and fall on us. Mean while Santharam pointed out his finger at something. I looked in front. There was a fierce tiger with its face to the south and its tail to the north. It started at the cart. If we did not get down on the back side of the cart and direct the wheel by the hand, if the bulls were only a bit terrified, then the cart could roll down the hill side. If we got down the cruel creature in front of us was ready to jump on us with

open mouth. Phanse was bold by nature. He told me to hold the reins of the bulls. I had not the courage to sit and hold the reins. Out of the two bulls one bent its knees and fell on the ground as though its legs were broken. I could not see what was to be done. My throat became dry and was strained. By Purva Punya, I felt that Sai would do the right and Sai Baba would save us from the danger. I shouted while in the carriage "Jaya Shri Sai Baba. Run up". Then the tiger got up, turned its face towards our cart and jumped away on our right side. I continued to shout aloud when the tiger passed by. Our bulls were terrified and they began to ran fast. Thus made us escape from the danger. Instead of saying so, it is better to say that the "Namasmaran of our Sadguru Saved us."

Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! stupendous Delectation   and Deliverance be there !!


Shri Prangondji and his wife Manigowri came to Baba for His darshan. Baba blessed them. Afterwards his Holiness Shri Sai Sharan Anand was born to them on 5-4-1889 at Mota village, Bardoli Taluka in Surat District, and named by them as Shri Vaman Rao Prana Govind Patel. When he was three years of age, he fell sick and the parents have faith about his survival as it was beyond medical treatment. At that time Baba as a Fakir gone to his house and given His UDI and asked his mother to give it to her son mixing it with water and told her as there was a scat in his right side back, he would become a "SATPURUSHA".   The UDl was administered to him and the   child was   miraculously saved by Baba.   He had his primary education at Surat and Ahmedabad. In hia age of 13, he gone to  Somanath Mandir. There Baba given him darshan as a Fakir.   He has finished his B.A. Education in 1910  in  Elphistone College, Bombay and he passad his LL.B. in 1912.   He used to question his college Professors whether the God is Phenomina or Neomina".   The Professors were   net able to reply.    The Vaman Rao gone to Bombay along with his   father to take   darshan   of   Sri Balakrishna Maharaj a follower of Shri Akkalkot Maharaj.   Vaman Rao put the same question to the   Maharaj   also.   The Maharaj got angry with him and given him two   books, one the Saritra of Shri Akkalkot Maharaj and the other Ekanath Bhagawat and asked him to read them. He read them and questioned his father whether there   was any such Maharaj.   His father replied that there was    Shri Sai Baba Shirdi.    Vaman Rao came to Baba's darshan first in 1911. At the very first instance on seeing Vaman Rao, Baba told him "why are you worrying that there is God or not God".   There is God.   Vaman Rao joi­ned the Solicitors firm in 1913.   He  came to  Shirdi in 1913 when there was vacation holidays  for the   Court. On the expiry of leave, he requested Baba for permis­sion to go to Bombay,   but Baba has not permitted him to go nearly for one year on one plea or   other.    As he was not gone to his house, his parents   worried   about his whereabouts and consulted astrologers, "They have told them he was in God's   place    (SHIRDI)   without any fear, if not it was danger to him. Afterwards Baba given him permission to go.   He came to Shirdi   again in 1916 all on a sudden when he came to  the   railway station to send off his friend    for   Shirdi Baba    told Vaman Rao that he was expected him at  Shirdi.  After twenty one days Baba allowed him to go to   Bombay. During this period one day a big stone was   fallen on his head bleeding when the   building of   Buty's wada was going one.    Baba sent medicines for this. By baba's grace no wound was visible on   his   head.   Vaman Rao told that at that time of bleeding he was fully   emerged in Divine joy.    Only after this incident  he became   a staunch devotee of Baba.    After  three  years, he   was made Head Master., Model High  School, Ahmedabad. He came to Bombay in 1921 and became Managing Clerk in Messrs Ganga And Sayani Co. Bombay.   He   wrote books on Baba (viz.) Gurusmriti in 1932   in   Gujarathi language and in 1946 about Baba's life in Gujarathi  by name Sai baba.   Baba has given him Sanyasa in 1952 in Dakor as a   Fakir,    and   thereby   he   was   named   as Shri   Sai   Sharan   Anand.   In   the   year   1961,   He wrote   a   book    in   English   Called   "Sai    Baba the Superman".    A   devotee   has   given   Baba's   padukas telling that Baba wants to handover them to Him.   At first He refused and then  accepted and installed it in a place in Ahmedabad wherein a pucka Sai Baba Mandir was   errected and   named   as  "Vishnu   Dharamalaya'' where so many devotees  are now flocking   there to get Baba's darshan. He told "That from 1952 Baba was with-Him and getting His service to the devotees through Hi'-n After many years of Baba's   service  to the   devotees as His Holiness  Shri Sai Sharan Anand, He merged   with Baba on 25-8-1982.   Such a blessed  soul by   Baba has given foreward to this book.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !   Stupendous Delectation  and Deliverance be there !!


When the Almighty Shri Sai Baba was in flesh and blood, there were other Sai Babas. One Sai Baba was in Kopargaom, called as Kopargaom Sai Baba; One Sai Baba was in Bandra called as Bandra Sai Bab a; One Sai Baba in Nagpur called as Nagpur Sai Baba. They were all telling to the devotees that they were Shri Sai Baba and thereby mak­ing their own ends to meet. Even knowing all their acts and affairs, Baba tolerated and allowed them to go on in their own way as He pretty knew the ins and outs of their actions. Gradually, all Sai Babas were vani­shed without name and place, but the Almighty Shri Sai Baba Shirdi has thrown out His mortal body on 15-10-1918 and acting more vigorously to help His devo­tees even after His Mahasamadhi and remained Immortal

Hereafter, we may read how Baba helped His devo­tees after His Mahasamadhi.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !  Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there !!..Read more click on the

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